**Job Information**:
- USAID/Colombia Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
- Bogota
- Bogota, D.C.
- Colombia
Zip/Postal Code
- 110111
HIghest Level of Education
- Bacheor's degree
Work Experience
- 1-3 years
Panagora Group is a woman-owned small business specializing in global health and international development, that provides Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning services to the United States Agency for International Development in Colombia-USAID/Colombia, through different contracts signed with the Mission for the execution of activities. Within the framework of its contractual responsibilities, Panagora provides the Mission with technical and advisory services to facilitate informed decision making on the management of USAID/Colombia activities, shape the long-term strategic and programmatic direction of the Mission, and allow USAID/Colombia to comply with USAID's Evaluation Policy and USAID Automated Directives System (ADS) 201.
The financial assistant will be responsible for the processing of accounts payable to suppliers and/or contractors, ensuring the correct settlement of the corresponding national or district tax withholdings that may apply. Settle the monthly payroll of employees based on the corresponding news. Settle monthly contributions to the social security system and make the respective uploading to the PILA operator website used by Panagora Group. Prepare payroll stubs and send them to employees. Carry out the liquidations of social benefits of finished contracts. Generate other accounting and/or payroll reports that are required by financial management or Panagora management.
- Accounting
- Conduct monthly bank reconciliation(s) and record the entries related. Follow up to unreconciled entries.
- Receive, process to be paid and maintain a proper file of invoices and other payment documents, sent by vendors, consultants, and contractors of the company.
- Analyze and process accounting invoices and other payment documentation in the accounting software provided by Panagora and complying with all processes and protocols.
- Settle and record tax withholdings for income tax and ICA purposes applicable to payments made to suppliers, contractors and/or employees.
- Keep accounts payable status updated and adequately prepare invoices and other payment documentation that must be processed for payment on a weekly basis.
- Keep the historical, physical, and digital file of payments updated as well as related supporting documents of withholdings settlement according to Article 383 (Estatuto Tributario), and social security contributions.
- Prepare the overall monthly expense report in accordance with all Panagora processes and protocols.
- Payroll
- Manage sick leave refund requests with health entities. (EPS)
- Receive, manage, update, and maintain the company's employee payroll.
- Manage and settle monthly employee payroll, ensuring correct entries using the software provided by Panagora for such purposes.
- Prepare and deliver to employees the respective payment receipts of their payroll.
- Settle the monthly social security contributions through PILA system and report them.
- Prepare the employee benefits settlements when labor contracts end.
- Reconcile monthly employee benefit reports.
- Keep employee database updated.
- Taxes
- Prepare and submit national and district taxes for approval.
- Prepare and submit for approval, annual accounting, and tax information to be filed with tax administration, DIAN (Magnetic Media).
- Prepare the Income tax and ICA withholdings certifications.
- Perform other related tasks and activities requested by the Chief of Party - COP and/or the Deputy Chief of Party - DCOP.
- Panagora Group (Panagora) es una pequeña empresa propiedad de mujeres especializada en salud global y desarrollo internacional que brinda servicios de Monitoreo, Evaluación y Aprendizaje a la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional en Colombia - USAID/Colombia (La Misión) a través de diferentes contratos suscritos con la Misión para la ejecución de las actividades. En el marco de sus responsabilidades contractuales, Panagora brinda a la Misión servicios técnicos y de asesoría para facilitar la toma de decisiones informadas sobre la gestión de las Actividades de USAID/Colombia, dar forma a la dirección estratégica y programática de la Misión en el largo plazo y permitir a USAID/Colombia cumplir con la Política de Evaluación del Sistema de Directrices Automatizadas de USAID (ADS) 201.
El/La asistente financiero/a será responsable por el procesamiento de las cuentas por pagar a proveedores y/o contratistas, velando por la correcta liquidación de las correspondientes retenciones de impuestos del orden nacional o distrital a que haya lugar. Liquidar mensualmente la nómina de empleados con base en las novedades correspondientes. Liquidar mensualme